Narturing The Uniqueness Of Every Student


ADDMISSION OPEN - 2024 - 2025


       Felix Convent School & Junior college , Paratwada  runs by Educational & Social Welfare Society, Paratwada. The school was established on 26th June 2012 with the objective to serve the people without any discrimination caste and creed.

Beside improving the capacity of brain, the school aims to develop qualities in student to make them responsible and honest citizens. To achieve this aim, the students are taught general principles of morality and good behavior along with the academic education.

Our Vision

To be the best and the recognised as raising

the traditional standards of educational possibilities and outcomes for students , parents & society.

 Our Mission

Felix convent believes in over all development of students by giving them opportunity to think, create and provide open ended answer and an exposure to the activities of personality development and Indian heritage.

School Information 

School Name - Panchsheel Felix Convent School & Junior College , Paratwada 

Principal - Mr. Sudhir Ingale ( MA English )

UDISE Code -  27070111208

Address - Felix Convent , Baitul Road, Beside Bagichewali Mata, Behind Anuj Traders, Kandli, Paratwada , Dist. Amravati - 444805

Contact Number - 8087236364 | 8975448688 |7030044043

Email Id - /


Felix School considers homework as a valid educational activity, and students can expect all teachers to assign homework on a regular basis. Homework will be checked and valued as appropriate, in order to provide students with corrective feedback. Home work is student's responsibility. Students legally absent are responsible to make up homework assignments within the teacher appointed time frame.

Rules Of Discipline

1. All must speak English in the school premises and the school vicinity.

2. Pupil should realize that they are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in the school but also for their general behavior outside. On their way to or from school the students must remember that the school is judged by their conduct. They would greet the staff of the school when they meet them outside.

3. Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence for more than a week, habitual idleness, disobedience, objectionable moral influence, above all discourtesy and disrespect to teachers are each a sufficient cause for dismissal.

4. A pupil who has been absent for more than three days at a stretch of illness, is expected to bring a doctors certificate before returning to school.

5. Every student is urged to contribute to the high tone of the school by them good manners and conduct. Their language must be above reproach.

6. For the smooth running of the school any object liable to prove a source of disturbance e.g. toys, crackers, water pistols etc. if found in the possession of students make them liable for severe punishment Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is never allowed.

7. Any damage done in the school premises or to the school property must be made good by the parents of the student responsible. If the offender is not discovered a collective fine may be imposed upon the entire class. The decision of the Principal regarding the amount to be paid is final.

8.Personal cleanliness is expected from all. The uniform must be clean and neatly pressed, shoes well polished, fingernails pared and hair trimmed and neatly arranged. Shabby; long and unkempt hair may earn the owners a visit to the barbers.

9. All should take a honest pride in keeping their school clean. Be very careful during the recess and otherwise not to litter the floor, the vicinity and roadsides with papers, wrappers etc. Please make use of the paper bins provided for these purpose.

10. Every students must have a complete outfit or everything that is necessary or prescribed by the school authorities. All students must use their materials and are themselves responsible for the safety of the same.

11. The school does not accept responsibility for the loss of books\pencils and so on. It is not advisable for the students to have valuable ornaments or articles with them.


1. There will be two Unit Tests & two terminal examination in an academic year based on the portion covered in respective standard within the time period. Besides these two Unit Tests, as part of the annual work, marks for assignments, class work, oral examinations and practical works have been set aside to inculcate regular habits of study The performance of a pupil is judged on the progress of the student during the whole year and not on a single examination, Hence all examination, tests, works, projects and assignments are of equal importance. A pupil must get 43% marks in each subject to pass the examination.

2. No exam will be either anticipated or postponed.

3. Absence from one or more subjects involves the loss of marks. A student must secure at least 80% attendance to appear for the Second Unit Test\Second terminal examination.

4. Pupil absent for an examination for any reason is not re-examined and those absent for examination without grave reason will be considered as having failed.

5. The result of the final examination is final and will not be reconsidered.

6. A student will have to leave the school if he She fails twice in the same class.


Safe & Secure Transportation facility is available to the School at Affordable fees.

Dear Parents

         You, the parents are the real educators of your children. The school is just a helper, playing a secondary role in the matter. Your personal interest encourages your child to perform better and thus helps to improve the overall progress and discipline of the school. You are, therefore, expected to co-operate with the school authorities in all the school activities and are Kindly requested to see that:

1. You entrust the Principal with authority to correct and punish your child at discretion.

2. The Students Manual is brought to school every day and followed in all details.

3. Daily lessons Reports and homework are taken down.

4. Study lessons and homework are done regularly.

5. Parents should regularly see their children's "Students Manual" it there is any remark it has to be noted and signed. Otherwise your child will be unnecessarily punished.

6. Parents are particularly expected to sign the Progress Report in time or any similar documents when so required.

7. The rules ot examination and promotion are read and noted

8. Regulations regarding uniform, hair and discipline are strictly followed.

9. The students should daily bring Rotti & Subzi in their lunch-box.

10. Parents should not take their children home during class hours. In unavoidable circumstances permission must be obtained from the principal. In such cases children will be sent home only with their parents or guardians.

11. If a pupil is likely to be absent due to illness for more than a week the Principal must be informed within a week.

12. Private tuition, whether from the school staff or not, may prove injurious to real progress and are to be discouraged hence, no pupil may take tuition in any subject without first consulting the principal and obtaining his written permission in the Students manual. No member of the staff should be engaged for private tuition.

13. Criticism of a student's teacher or his/her school in his/her presence should be scrupulously avoided, because it causes the student to lose his/her respect for his/her teacher with the consequent failure to learn from him/her. If you have a legitimate complaint, see the Principal, without fear of reprisal.

14. Any complains should be made directly to the Principal and not to the class teacher.

15. As your child advances in age, guide him/her to become a resourceful and useful member of home and country. Encourage self-help for work and study. He/she should be taught to keep the room tidy makes his/her own bed, polish his/her own shoes, carry his/her own bag etc. The formation of such habits early in life inculcates in the students the idea of dignity of worthy, a fundamental personal virtue necessary for a successful career in life.

16. Withdrawal of students from classes for mere social functions is not recommended because it retards the child's progress in school and minimizes his/her respect for regular hard work with consequent failure to progress in his/her studies.

17. Parents and guardians are specially required to notify to the school of any change in their address and the phone numbers.

Welcome to Felix Convent School & Junior College

Enhancing educational standards with a touch of excellence and compassion. Feel free to contact us for any inquiries or admissions, we are here to guide you every step of the way.